Tips to do Grading with CAT 140H Motor Grader

Published by Admin Mico on

Cat 140H Motor Grader

If you possess a motor grader in your inventory then it is not enough. You must have operators or handlers that have complete information about its operations and functions as per the requirements of the job. If you are looking to use a CAT140H Motor Grader on a gravel road then you must follow some basic steps that will be discussed in this blog.

Basic steps for gravel road grading:

Whenever an operator is doing the process of grading then there are certain guidelines and factors that should be kept in mind. It is a bit complicated to do grading on a gravel road because it needs to be done with some guidelines to complete the job properly. If you will follow these guidelines and steps then it will help you to maintain the quality of the road and prevent any kind of damage to the pavement. These guidelines are related to the angle of the moldboard, its pitch, and the speed at which the machine should be operated.

Moldboard Angle:

It is important that the moldboard angle must be in that position that the loose aggregate does not tumble. The angle of the moldboard should be between 30 to 45 degrees while graveling the road. This will be beneficial for you to complete your process easy as it will prevent from spilling along the leading edge of moldboards.

Operation pace:

It is important to maintain the pace at which you want to operate your heavy construction equipment because it is important to do the work with efficiency and safety. When grading, the machine should remain at a stable speed and it must no go higher than 5-8KPH. If the operator will exceed its limit then it will get bounce and it will result in putting ridges in the roadway.

Moldboard Pitch:

The moldboard pitch is referred to that angle at which the edge of the blade makes contact with the ground. The material that is graded does not travel equal to the blade to the discharge when the end of the pitch is removed too far. If you will lead the moldboard on the forward side too much then the blade of the machine will not scrape the surface of the ground enough. It is important that the operator must be aware of the pitch angle and they do not lean it backward or forward too much.

Used Motor Grader for sale

Grader’s Shoulder:

As we know already that drainage ditches are one of the important aspects of roads. If the operator is looking to get drain into the ditches then the shoulders must be moved away from the surface that is peaked into the lane. The region should always be slanted slightly but not that much because if this happens then a vehicle will not be able to travel on such a surface in case of emergencies and the surface should be stable so that the vehicle can easily get control if it drifts. The main purpose of the slanted sides is to help the drainage system.

 Road potholes:

Potholes are basically a threat for any type of road so it is important to get rid of them and in order to do it properly, it is essential that the road should be graded to the depth so all the potholes should get filled. You must prevent filling the potholes with loose aggregate. This is not an ideal situation because it would not work with heavy traffic and this will form again the potholes very quickly. 

Road Ditches:

It is important to maintain the ditches properly because it will guarantee proper drainage. Road trenches must be kept free from dirt. You must keep in mind while doing this process that the ditches must have a minimum width and depth of 30cm. In those areas, where there is a lot of water flow there should be larger ditches.

In a nutshell:

It is not an easy task to do the grading with a Motor grader because this machine comes with different styles and sizes that differ from each other. It is essential to start this process slowly and keep calm so you can understand the need of the job which will make you realize that how you can perform the task of road maintenance effectively. 

When grading, you must put enough pressure down to accomplish the task properly. If there will be excessive pressure on the dry, hard surface then it will demand more fuel and horsepower that will cut the productivity. Tire spinning and sliding will increase tire wear. If the downward pressure would be extreme then it will splinter the cutting edges which could result in tire damage. The motor grader is a long and nice machine to do multiple tasks simultaneously so when the blade of the machine is full then it can carry heavy material over small dips that will make them smooth. When you will be applying the finished grade then you should be built it about 10th or high so when you will be completing the process then you must have some material on the blade and if not on the final pass then you will be short on material.  

If you are a dealer or contractor who is looking to get this type of heavy equipment for sale for the process of gradingthen you can search for multiple dealers that are available in the market.

Admin Mico

We deal in new and used heavy construction equipment that is reliable and dependable construction equipment. We ensure that our inventory contains machines that are in work-ready condition. We also provide services of heavy equipment dismantling for containerized shipment overseas, nationwide transport, worldwide shipment and Inspection of equipment. Contact us today 281-468-9898.

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