Excavator with upgraded grade control technology

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It has been a couple of years while the technology for track excavator guidance system has been adopted by Caterpillar, though the adoption rate in the entire models started to increase gradually. This integrated technology helped customers in their tasks a lot. Caterpillar offers an integrated 2D guidance system for heavy construction equipment which can further be generated into 3D to provide better efficient results with minimal risk.
Caterpillar future goals are to provide automated technology in excavator grade control system. Caterpillar grade control depth and slope is a 2D depth, slope direction arrangement planned to help direct the worker to a preset grade. Caterpillar chose to integrate the system on its standard 323F L excavator, which is in the peak volume size class 49,000 to 56,000 lbs. “It is a 23-metric ton piece of equipment,” says Brian Stellbrink, market expert for F Series Excavators, Caterpillar.
The mechanic can now operate the desired depth and slope from the cab internally “For example, if you’re doing a 10-ft. cut with a 2% slope, you can enter that in the monitor, bench that bucket off a known point and start to dig,” says Stellbrink, “ will guide you through perceptible alarms in the cab and a standard exhibit on the monitors to dig toward that preset grade.”
Hence, this technology is associated with certain costs, the more you are going to pay the more productive the excavator becomes.

Cat 330CL track excavator for sale