Best ways to sell used equipment

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Heavy Equipment For Sale
There are several ways to sell heavy construction equipment such as auctions, classified sales, dealers, brokers and more. It depends on your situation what choice you take!
1. In a situation when you need money faster:
a. Auctions could require time to promote to their audience depending on their order requirements it may take up to a month prior to receiving the payment.
b. The time frame is commercially dependent on the sale price. There is not a certain method of pricing available to the customers, so you might need to do some market research.
You might want to find dealers with quick solutions via trade.
c. Time frame for equipment sales promoted via brokers is also dependent on buyer base.
2. What does it cost to sell machines:
a. For auction, you need to find out what the charges are from auctioneers side. Most charge from 2 -13 % of the sales price.
b. For the private sales, there is only the advertisement fee which proves to be very economical.
When you plan to sell through a dealer, a lot depends on the cost of the new machine and their trade-in values are typically 30% – 50% lower than the fair market value.
c. Brokers simply promote your equipment for a commission while wholesalers will typically pay you 5-10% lesser than fair market value and will pay more quickly.

The best thing to do is to keep all channels open. You can continue to place classified ads for machines you want to sell online and also talk to brokers and dealers to find you a good deal. If the equipment does not sell in six months then you can consider selling it in an auction. Online bidding sites should also be considered.